Dr. Legs Helps CW 11 Viewers Heal Their Tired Feet!

Dr. Legs makes another morning appearance on the CW 11 Monday December 8th to give advice on recovering from walking in high heels. Earlier in the morning Dr. Splichal demonstrated workout moves to improve balance and help us all walk more confidently in our painful stilettos. She came back to the CW 11 at 8:25 am and with the assistance of high-fashion model Farah, showed viewers how to recover from a night out in shoes. As you probably have experienced, heels can not just hurt our feet and blister our soles but can also cause upper body and back pain. Dr. Legs had Farah demonstrate the proper posture in high heels and how best to limit problems associated with wearing this fashion staple not disappearing anytime soon. Stay tuned to Tesla for more updates on Catwalk Confidence and the great advice of Dr. Legs!
Check out the segment!: http://weblogs.cw11.com/news/local/morningnews/blogs/2008/12/stiletto_recovery.html#more