"The Trend" A Finalist At The NYTVF...

Congrats to The Tesla Group founder Ahlilah Longmire who is also the Creator and Executive Producer of the new 30min lifestyle series "The Trend" starring host DJ Mad Linx and Joli Robinson. The New York Television Festival announced March 3, 2011 that she was a finalist in the Sony Pictures Television Format competition. Grand prize winner will receive $10,000 development deal with Sony Pictures and flown to France for the 2011 MIPCOM conference. A winner will be announced the week of March 14th. Stay tuned.

See the entry that made it to the top 3!

“THE TREND” is a 30 minute weekly lifestyle series centered around two sexy hosts, international celebrity DJ-TV Host Mad Linx & the gorgeous Model-Actress Joli Robinson. Both hosts leave their celebrity status behind to embark on an “anything goes” worldwide journey to give audiences an unfiltered, future forward look into pop-culture and the personalities that surround it.


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