T.T.G Welcomes Get Your Nails D.I.D Nail Paint

The Tesla Group has teamed up with Adrienne, the creative mind behind the nail color collection D.I.D. Nail Paint. As a  licensed nail technician, esthetician and nail art enthusiast, Adrienne supports the nail artistry movement and designed a product with creative expression in mind. D.I.D. Nail Paint is an eco-friendly, highly pigmented product that achieves full coverage in 1-2 coats.

In 2013, she was selected as one of the Top 50 entrepreneurs in the Scion Motivate business competition, advanced to the second round in the Walmart "Get on the Shelf" contest, and was a nominee in the Martha Stewart "American Made" contest. Her work has been featured in Modern Luxury Magazine and has been recognized by BeautyHigh.com as one of the top favorite shades in 2012. Her products have also been recognized by beauty editors Eva Chen (formerly) of Teen Vogue and Marcia Caster of Essence magazine for her bright bold colors.

Together we're planning a fun-filled "billie's jeans" candi's & mani's event in support of Denim Day USA. Denim Day is a Peace Over Violence campaign on a Wednesday in April in honor of Sexual Violence Awareness Month. This year’s Denim Day will be held on April 23, 2014 and will focus on educating the community at large on the legal definition of consent.

Stay tuned for more details and be sure to visit www.denimdayusa.org


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