Outdoor Decor Inspiration for Summer #TTGHome

The Summer weather has finally arrived and it's still Spring! Considered there was snowflakes falling in New York no more than two or three weeks ago, we're very pleasantly surprised and absolutely ecstatic that it's sunglasses weather (those fifty pairs are coming out of storage!). 

All this warm weather has Pinterest in outdoor decor overload. While a lot of us who live in the city don't have the space to recreate so many of our favorite garden looks, some of us are lucky enough to have a little bit of an outdoor haven with a balcony. Larger than our apartment or teeny tiny like our closet space, there's actually endless amounts of balcony inspiration to be found. Take a look at some balconies that we'll be trying to emulate this Summer..
#TTGHome #TTGWeekend #NYCLiving

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