Friday Lifestyle Round-Up: 3/24

Can Going Barefoot Keep Your Brain Young
To keep your mind sharp, you could do crossword puzzles or try to learn a new language—basically anything that’s mind-boggling and takes practice. But a lesser-known way to maintain your cognitive abilities? Going barefoot. Check out celebrity podiatrist Dr. Emily Splichal's thoughts on the matter on Well+Good!

Static Schmatic at the ReWire Me Retreat
Static Schmatic will be at ReWire Me's Elemental Change retreat on April 8th - 9th in New York. Check them out with their other sponsors.

15 Minutes with... Shay & Blue Co-Founder, Dom De Vetta
To celebrate International Fragrance Day earlier this week, Push PR spoke to perfumery veteran and co-founder of Shat & Blue, Dom De Vetta.

How Likely Am I to Catch Athletes Foot, really?
Dr. Emily Splichal explains it to us in SELF this month.

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