Friday Lifestyle Round-Up: 3/3
Meet the Country Floors Tile Design Challenge 2017 Judging Panel
As you're all definitely aware by now, the Country Floors Tile Design Challenge is back! We've just announced the Judging panel for the Interior Design event and it's an incredible group of the industry's finest.
Hogshead are now Open 'til 4am!
Our favorite Craft Beer bar and Hamilton Heights retreat Hogshead have just set a new closing hour - 4am! So, if like us, you find yourself on the way home from the City but don't want to call it a night JUST yet, Hogshead is the place to go.
Static Schmatic x ReWire Me Retreat
We're so excited that all-natural, anti-static spray Static Schmatic is partnering with the upcoming ReWire Me Elemental Change retreat to feature their products. Sign up now before it's too late!
Dr. Legs on the Rachael Ray Show
Celebrity Podiatrist and Human Movement expert Dr. Emily Splichal a.k.a Dr. Legs featured on the Rachael Ray Show this week to talk about our most common foot problems.
A Successful NYC Beer Week Celebration at Hogshead
Hogshead have had a brilliant week - with opening now until 4am AND their NYC Beer Week celebrations. They had a massive Brewery night which seen THREE breweries stop by to join the fun as well as tapping a speciality Beer Week SMaSH (Single Malt and Single Hop) beer and having a draft line of all New York local beers.