Let’s face it, life is stressful, but TTG is here to help! No
matter what amount of stress you are going through, big or small, it’s always a
good idea to make sure your house stays as stress-free as possible. And no, I’m
not suggesting that you get rid of your kids, significant other, siblings or parents.
Instead, a few simple (less drastic) changes to your home will help make a big difference.
For some other tips and guides from interior designer’s head over to Pinterest.
De-clutter =
A clean environment is the first step to a clear mind. If
your house is a mess, how could you possibly expect your life not to be (sorry,
but for the most part it’s true). Walking into a house that’s, ‘put together’
will definitely take away some stress and anxiety. A tip to get started is
simply putting everything back where it belongs. This will allow you to get
into a routine, and soon it will just be second nature to you!
Stay on top
It’s easy to let the laundry basket become so heavy that you
need a forklift to bring it into the laundry room. That only makes doing
laundry that more dreadful. Try and do laundry three – five times a week,
depending on how much you change your outfits (if you’re like me go with five
times). This will allow the pile to never get to the ‘dreadful’ amount again.
Let the light in
Just think light and bright. Light makes people happy (unless
you are a vampire) so let as much shine through as possible. Try and lean
towards more natural light rather than artificial light. You can do this by opening
up the blinds and curtains during the daytime. This is one guest you will want
in your home. Plus, it will save you some money on your electricity bill, so it’s
a win-win!
No fakers allowed
Yes, they might look and stay nice and don’t require as much
care, but fake flowers don’t offer nearly as much as the real. Keeping your
home filled with flowers, will help boost your attitude and soul. Their smell, colors,
and beauty are what we love the most. Those flower imposters can’t offer you all
of that.
Put your love on
This is PDA no one will judge you for. Surrounding your house with pictures of people and things you
love, is a sure way to put a smile on your face. When you are feeling overwhelmed
a quick look at a picture of a loved one, pet, parent, significant other, or
trip might help you realize that life isn’t all that bad after all. Hopefully
it will also remind you that whatever is stressing you out will pass, and more
good memories are to come.