A Tuesday for Giving!

If you're reading this now, it means you've made it through another Monday! It also means we're one more Tuesday closer to Christmas, an excuse to eat even more turkey. That's of course only if you still have more room after Thanksgiving!

Today, the first Tuesday after Thanksgiving, has also come to be known as #GivingTuesday, a global day of giving fueled by the power of social media. First introduced in 2012 by the 92nd Street Y in New York and the United Nations Foundation, the movement has been extremely successful, with an estimated $250 million donated to charity through Giving Tuesday fundraisers in 2017 alone!

The concept, although simple, has evidently been very effective. The idea is for people to step away from their Black Friday buying and focus on giving, and with more and more individuals, non-profits and multinational companies getting involved, it's obviously striking a chord with many, including Facebook, who this year have teamed up with Paypal to offer $7 million in matching donations.

How can you get involved I hear you say? Well, if you have some money left over after the sales (which we hope were good to you!), it's great to donate to a charity of your choice. You can check out the charities and organizations getting involved in your community here. But of course, it's equally about encouraging acts of kindness, as even outlined in the official White House press release published today.

So whether it's volunteering at your next community clean up, or even something as simple as giving your seat up for someone on the subway, there's a million and one ways for you to play a part this #GivingTuesday! However, giving is not confined to one day, so why not use today to pick up the GOOD habit of a simple act of kindness a day and follow through with that from now on? Your TTG Girl Gang are totally up for it, and we're currently thinking of all the different ways we can play our part today and everyday from now!

Check back in with us on Thursday to find out how we're getting on, and best of luck with your #GivingTuesday! x

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