Try It Thursday: The 30 Day Ab Challenge
Fitness fads come and go, and with January being a month that's synonymous with getting fit, there's plenty of them going about. However, the only ones that stay are the ones you can easily incorporate into your everyday routine, so maybe it's finally time to dump that Shake Weight you've had collecting dust in your attic for the past 10 years!
Your TTG Girl Gang are always on the lookout for effective everyday workouts that we can fit into our busy lives, and we may have found just the one! Dasha Wellness, a wellness sanctuary here in New York City, have released their #GetBackToYourCore 30 Day Ab Challenge, and we're all over it.
Not only is it totally free, you can do these workouts pretty much anywhere, whether it's in the office (perhaps not when your boss is around!), while watching TV or with friends, so not having the time is no excuse. According to the Dasha website the challenge was developed with two sets of strength moves and one fat burner, all performed back to back in no less that 30 sets. Feeling the burn is guaranteed!
Day 1 Routine:
30 Sit Ups
30 Side Crunches
30 Ballet Twists
30 Sec Side Planks
Taking baby steps is the key to this challenge as you build up your strength and ability over the 30 days, so if you struggle at first, don't give up! Keep going, and by the end of the challenge you'll look back on day one in awe at how far you've come. Make sure to follow the founder of Dasha's IG page, @shannonrussopollacknyc, where she'll be documenting the challenge!
Best of luck!