Marketing Your Fitness Business While Social Distancing

We’re going through an unprecedented time, and apart from all the confusion surrounding this virus, we’re also faced with high levels of uncertainty.

When will it be safe to go out? A lot of businesses have closed up shop indefinitely, and fitness businesses are no exception.

But know this: now’s the time to act, even if your clients are social distancing or isolated at home. Here are a few ways women can market their fitness business even during the pandemic.

1. Get Social

You know the secret to marketing in 2020, pandemic or not, is to be present in the online world with a website and social media profiles. But when it comes to social networks, are you using them the right way?

Simply being present isn’t enough. Instead, you should focus on creating a strategy that either forms or engages an audience - or both, if you’re just starting. This usually involves:

  • A content strategy

  • A calendar with main topics to cover

  • An established posting frequency

  • Social media ads (to gain a following)

  • Stunning visuals, especially of platforms that are visually-driven, like Instagram or TikTok.

2. Video Is Your Friend

As a fitness business, video is the best medium to help you market your brand, so it will really pay to focus on creating some great videos for your audience.

The topic itself depends on the specific niche of your business, but try to remember one thing regardless: either be entertaining or informational. Sure, you could try both, but if it doesn't come or feel natural, don't try to force humor into the content.

For instance, if you want to teach your audience how to do a proper squat, start by telling them the most common mistakes people make, in a funny way to get their attention. This way, the video can be entertaining and fun, while still helping you teach your audience.

3. Engage Through a Livestream

Live videos are amazing - they don’t require any technical skills, or even preparation apart from figuring out what you want the video to be about. You can have a Q&A session, live talks with a nutritionist, or even a fun workout to do with your audience right then and there.

These videos can really help you engage your audience, and even encourage them to join the conversation.

4. Show You’re There for Them

No matter how thought out your content is, or how well you explain your message, people will always have questions, especially when it comes to fitness where your audience may be going through specific challenges you didn’t even expect.

So, it’s a good strategy to let them know they have a place where they can ask anything they want, and someone on your team will help them.

Taking Your Fitness Business to the Next Level

If this all sounds like a lot to do at once, well, honestly it is. Especially for businesswomen who are just now branching. But you don’t have to do it alone. Get in touch with The Tesla Group and let’s see how we can help.


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